Next Workshop    6-8 June 2025   

Dwellingup, Western Australia

Cost $2200 

Inclusive all accommodation and food

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This is for women who are struggling in:


Life in some way?


Continually dealing with a lot of issues?


Feeling Depressed or Anxious?


Feeling like a Fraud?


Pretending everything is “OK”…but it’s not?


Feeling disconnected (from your partner, family, life or even yourself)?

Do you want help to understand why you feel like this?

Are you looking for answers and the tools & skills to help you understand why you feel the way you do so you can stop sinking in life’s quicksand and move forward with your life?

Do you want to be a better person for you and your family?

Having the Right Support!

Maybe you have had periods in your life when everything is going well, you are happy and life is easy.

But you always seen to go back to the same pattern… struggling, depressed & exhausted.

You always think…I will be better next week, next month, next year.

But nothing changes and the negative cycle of moods and life just continues to flow.

You can CLAIM your life back…

You just need to know how.

And have the Right Support.

The WOMENtum Workshop 


This 2.5 day live in workshop for Women. 
Developed with ancient wisdom & lessons, modern research and innovative tools and process which encompass a whole weekend of personal development & growth.

At this workshop you WILL be challenged and encouraged to push yourself…maybe HARDER than you ever have before.

There will be group lessons (& group support) as well as 1-on-1 learning and support.

We've already helped many Women turn their lives around.

double_arrow It's Time…To Claim YOUR Life back! Register Now!

Here's what others have said!

I've reached 60 years of age, and I just no longer wanted to feel the way I was feeling, so I was hoping that there would be some exercises or tools or education that I could action to help change the way I felt.​  Wow. Amazing experience. Pushed through my fear and my insecurities and climbed over the fence that I think I was scared to climb over. 
Now I can I feel very comfortable with myself the first time in a long time, probably in over 50 years, I just feel like me now.  And it doesn't matter what I say in regards to how I feel, because I feel more confident within myself.
Moving forward in my life will impact me tremendously, because now I have the confidence to move forward. I would recommend the workshop to other women, absolutely.   Honestly, if I had heaps of money, I would pay for every one of my girlfriends to come on this course.    Bec C

My intention coming to this workshop was to be a better person and find myself again.

 I now feel happy, free, supported, heard.  I have accepted myself, learned to love myself, and to pick myself back up again, which is pretty amazing.


What You’ll Get Out of the Workshop!


If you feel depressed, a fraud, anxious, struggling in life and battling to get through each day…then you need to understand why.

You need to understand who you are & why you behave, react and respond the way you do.

 It’s time…to start to understand YOU, on a deeper level.


We all wear them…but most of the time don’t know we are doing it. It is time to understand what they are and why we wear them.

It’s time…to look under the mask.


Barries hold us back. I call my barriers… “My Issues”. We allow you to see what “Your Issues” may be and how by not dealing with it, can become barriers to your life and hold you back.

It’s time…to start knocking some of your barriers down.

Opening up

Once your barriers have been knocked down and you have dealt with “Your Issues”, it is time to open up to the possibilities of change, for yourself, your life and your future.

It’s time…to start moving forward.


Over the weekend we re-focus your Mindset on the positive aspects of life and not just dwelling on the negative from the past (or those in future). This will allow you to move forward with your life with strength, courage and integrity.

It’s time…shift your Mindset


During the course of the Workshop we provide you with numerous tools. These tools will allow you to deal with any issues that arise through the rest of your life.

These tools and skills you will have available at your fingertips are simple, yet VERY powerful and you will be able to use them everyday AND pass them onto your children, friends and family.

It’s time…to tool up.


There is always an unexpected bonus that happens at these workshops…and it happens at every single one. But you will have to attend to find out what it is.

It’s time…to expect the unexpected.


After the Workshop you will have access to monthly group online coaching session with Kim Dellar to answer any questions & provide any support, advice or suggestions to help you on your life’s journey.

When you fully immerse yourself into the Workshop, you will leave feeling empowered, inspired and prepared & ready to turn over a new chapter of your life.


double_arrow It's Time…To Claim YOUR Life back! Register Now!

This workshop is designed to help you improve your relationship with YOU!

You are the most important person in your life.

You have to live with yourself for the rest of your life…
so you may as well get to know yourself and more importantly…


The WOMENtum Workshop will help you change YOUR LIFE.

What’s the first thing I have to do help

The MOST IMPORTANT & FIRST thing you have to do is to…


You have to make a decision that you are tired of struggling…tired of living a half-life & pretending everything is ok, living in pain, with depression, in denial.

Once you have decided that you have had enough of living that life. The next step is to make a decision to…


Once you have done that…hit the register button to reclaim your life back! And we will guide you from there and see you at the workshop!

Disclaimer report_problem

This is workshop not a psychology session.

Dr Brett  & Kim Dellar are not a Psychologists.
(They are both Life Coaches, Students of Life, it’s Trials & Triumphs)

We recommend if you are struggling with serious mental health issues or suicidal thoughts, then seek immediate advice with your GP, psychologist or other mental health professional.

This workshop does not replace any current work you are doing with your mental health professional, but we will assist with the work you are already doing.


The WOMENtum Workshop


One Time Payment

check_circle The 2.5 Day Live in WOMENtum Workshop (food and accommodation included)

check_circle Monthly Group Coaching Session  with WOMENtum crew after the Workshop

check_circle Plus…Other bonuses at the workshop 

double_arrow REGISTER NOW!

Meet the  Founders of WOMENtum 

Dr Brett Dellar & Kim Dellar

Dr Brett & Kim have studied and worked in the health industry since 2002. Dr Brett is a qualified Chiropractor.  Kim is a Business Manager, a  Reflexologist, NLP and Time Line Therapy Master Practitioner, Master in Conscious Hypnosis and has studied aromatherapy. They are both qualified Life Coaches and founded the “moMENtum Revolution” & "WOMENtum" in 2019. 

They are both passionate about Health & Wellness, an integral part of their everyday life and practice.

Dr Brett regularly speaks to organisations about Mental Health issues. He shares his story and journey to inspire others to open-up and seek help, and to reduce the stigma around Mental Health issues.

Kim regulary holds workshop for aromatherapy, women's wellness and low tox living.